How it all started....

Published on 10 December 2023 at 18:13

This is how it all started....The blog process that is.  Back in September 2019, I thought it would be a good idea to create a Facebook page to do my personal blog on.  Well I was too afraid to even make it public at that time and here I am creating a whole damn website for my blogs!!  Can you believe that kind of bravery exists.  That is some rock start shit right there.  Ok, I digress, this one, it's going to be a long one. The story starts as follows....

The whole purpose of this is for me to vent, yes vent, about my weight loss journey. I think I can be pretty funny and so I am hopeful I will do more laughing than crying at my weight loss journey.

Well so it begins again...Yes, I have started WW again. I think this may be the 784th time. Forget 3rd times a charm...that ship has sailed a long time ago.

I don't know if I mentioned that I have three dogs and two cats...quite the fur family.  You would think with all these animals in my life I would be pretty in shape just keeping up with all the fur floating around my house, but I have managed to not let that impact my ability to gain weight at the smell of a chocolate chip cookie. I figure if I gain weight smelling them, then why not get the joy of eating them?!?

My husband is going to try very hard to do this with me. We both got naked and weighed this thought that was going somewhere else didn't you?!? (get your mind out of the gutter) My husband was happy because he was less than he thought and now only has about 29 lbs that he wants to lose. I mean, come on....29 lbs...I want to lose that in just one of my legs. Ugh. So, I get on the scale and I was just screaming with joy (insert sarcasm here) because I have successfully gained back 8 of the previous 30 lbs I had lost. Oh and it is such a happy thought that I am 70 lbs higher than my handsome hubby right now. At this rate, I will be carrying him over puddles of water, because clearly I can't jump and I might as well carry him so he doesn't get his feet wet.

He will probably take a month to lose all of the weight he wants to lose and I will hopefully just be less than I am right now at the end of the month. If I hear one more time "it's a journey, not a sprint" I will have to punch them in the throat. Ok not really, I will refrain, I am an adult after all.

So I have successfully finished my day one on the plan and I decided to type this post rather than go eat something since my stomach is currently growling as if I haven't fed it anything today. I am a little pissed that I haven't lost at least 10lbs by the end of the day since I have tried so hard goes off so slow and comes on so quickly.

I am on here to hold myself accountable; which is hysterical in itself since I am the only one that can see this at this point. So Go Jackie! You can do this! Remember "progress not perfection" and "its a journey..." Ugh...I hope a week from now, I have good news to report. At the very least, it should be amusing going back through my posts to see where this very sarcastic brain of mine goes during this journey.

Now you go and have yourself a nice glass of water....

The Sarcastic Hungry Woman

P.S. do you think that could be a super hero? I think me and Wonder Woman would get along great; at least until she asked me if her ass looked big in her costume..


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